By Leroy Ferrao

Time is expensive. Yet time is at present scarce. How do you prevent your time from  being stolen from you?  I present 5 gems to safeguard your riches in the form of time.

#1.Protect your time from entertainment

Entertainment is the biggest time waster in our lives. You will have to upgrade your time management skills by replacing entertainment with education. It is a fact that more we learn, more we earn. When I realized how my time was lost and wasted, I decided to take action and that changed the direction of my life . Become a life long learner. Applied knowledge is power. Focus your time on learning languages and acquiring skills. You will never run out of options. Everything can snatched away from you except your knowledge and skills. Self education will not only protect your time, but will empower you to navigate our turbulent times successfully if you protect your time

#2.Protect your time from takers

There are people who will use your time to meet their aims in life. If you want to control your time and invest it for yourself, then I highly recommend that you take charge of your education and your work. A lot of your time is spent to make others rich. The fundamental strategy is to design your  self education and decide your own work, so that you can use your time to further your priorities in life. Time is precious and if you learn to use the time available to you, then you will be miles ahead on the journey called life. In conclusion, time is more valuable than money. It is priceless.

#3.Protect your time from lenders

Lenders are not only going to take your money but also your time. You may ask how? For every pound borrowed, it will take you a set time to earn it until you repay your debt.  The opportunity cost you will pay to repay the loan will be your own time which could be used better maybe to build your business or for self education. Follow the cash down principle and you will be able to invest both both your time and money wisely. Still better shift sides from a borrower to a lender. You can lend to the government and even if it goes bankrupt, it has the power to print cash and your assets will be safe. Stay away from lenders who bring you tempting offers and protect your time

#4.Protect your time from degrees

Degrees will require a time of 15 years or even more. How can you save those years? Self education or online education will save you loads of time and keep up updated with the times. Whatever degree you earned during your youth is outdated. Furthermore, the 15 or more years that you spent earning it were the best years of your life. I personally recommend home schooling where you get to learn the subjects you choose and in a shorter period of time. The focus should be on acquiring high income skills needed for the modern world and that provide for your loved ones. In addition all the knowledge and skills you acquire during the learning period should be free and the internet is a powerful tool to achieve time management in your educational pursuits.

#5.Protect your time from devices

Devices devour your time. You can install an app to track how much time is spent on your smartphone. Any device takes your time. For example, unless you can delegate the least valuable activities to others, you will have to spend a lot of time maintaining them. I suggest that to optimize your time, live a life of a minimalist. In that way you can focus on the most valuable activities on life as you will have all the time in your world reserved for you.  

In conclusion, time is your greatest asset that is scarce i.e only 24 hours. Master the use of your time, so that you can accomplish something meaningful that will make a difference to yourself and others in your life.


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