Don’t Be Left In The Dust When The Economy Crashes! Here’s How To Prepare.

By Leroy Ferrao-Founder of Leroy Ferrao School and Digital Skills Coach


It typically occurs after crises like war, civil unrest, or a plague. An economic collapse can make the world a very dangerous place as it can trigger violent protests and a breakdown of law and order. If you want to have a good chance at surviving one, you better start preparing now because once an economic collapse begins, it can last for years or even decades. Fortunately for you, we’ve compiled a list of five recommendations to assist you in preparing for any calamities that may come your way: here’s how to survive an economic collapse. 

#1.Start stocking up food provisions

Start by buying five non-perishable food products you can create meals with, such as  canned goods or grains, rice, or other non-perishables, each time you go shopping. Every time you go to the store, you don’t have to spend a thousand dollars on items. Simply go out and purchase five extra items to keep on handYou may build up your food stock levels in this way for anywhere between six months and two years.  Therefore, you can use it to feed your family and friends when the economy collapses. As these commodities increase in value relative to your currency, you may also use it to barter for other products and services and to combat inflation. 

#2. Become an expert in your field

Start learning new skills by investing in yourself, taking courses and building your skills now so that you can barter your skill when you face an economic collapse in your country. You can learn digital skills so that you can connect with people who are in different countries through the internet if it is available and still make a living by freelancing or taking remote jobs. Become an authority in your field during a recession If you become an expert in your field, you will have much more job security during hard times and it’s likely that during good times you would be paid much more also if the economy devolves to the point where jobs and money are things of the past, you could always barter your expertise for goods or services so there you have it when it comes to surviving and the economic downturn. 

#3. Adapting now to a future economic collapse

You can learn to adjust to your new financial situation even if you will have less money than before. You and your family will be better prepared to handle the situation the sooner you embrace the reality of it and start making adjustments. Costs of life, such as those for food and housing, rise in troubled communities. Crises may result in higher unemployment or lower salaries. Disasters can harm or completely destroy people’s homes, businesses, and other assets, plunging many into poverty. Your ability to handle a crisis may be improved the better you manage your finances.Income, savings, and possessions can all depreciate in value, so financial security is not always permanent. Those who can adapt will survive the crisis. You might need to change your way of living right now. Living beyond your means can only make your financial position worse. 

#4. Create your own electricity 

You should learn how to generate your own electricity so that you can power your home independently after a financial collapse. This may include buying a portable generator. wind turbines, or even solar panels The more dependent you are on utility providers in uncertain times, the more exposed you will be.  


#5.Protect your health now

Develop healthy habits in order to survive the challenges you’ll face during an economic collapse, the world could become dangerous, so you’ll want to be physically capable of handling it swiftly and escaping any threatening situations you might face. Depending on the type of economic collapse and its severity, you may need to adapt to a survival lifestyle, which will be much easier if you’re in good physical shape. Eat well and exercise. Your ability to make wise decisions amid turbulence will increase with your level of health. 

In conclusion,

Future  obstacles will only become more challenging. Things will get worse. The average person, who is oblivious of what is happening and unclear of what to do to protect themselves from impending challenges, will be in a much worse position than you, if you upgrade yourself with the aforementioned skills. If you’re interested in learning more as we teach you all the above skills, download the Leroy Ferrao School app or go to the website You may also join the community to receive individualized coaching from the Master Digital Skills Coach. You can even WhatsApp him directly if you’ve installed the app or connected with him on a social network. Upgrade yourself. Don’t Be Left In The Dust When The Economy Crashes! Here’s How To Prepare

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay


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