By Leroy Ferrao- Personality Development Coach, Speaker and Blogger


The shelf life of a skill was 30 years in the past. Today, skills are relevant only for about 6 years. In other words  by the time you are qualified; your skills may already be on the way out.  

To be employable you either have to be re-skilling — acquiring completely new skills as you make the shift to a different career — or upskill, where you enhance your current skill-set for competitive advantage and better prospects.  

Upgrade yourself and become multi-skilled if you want economic safety for the future.  

Here I have listed 5 absolutely necessary skills needed to survive in 2021.


#1.Coding and Data Skills


Coding is a high-income skill of the 21st century. It makes use of computer programming languages like Python, JavaScript, C++, C, Ruby, PHP, etc. to instruct the computer and make it perform the way you want. Therefore, to earn a decent living from it in six months you could learn coding in eight to ten hours per week or less if you can dedicate yourself to it full time.  

If you have a specific industry or job in mind, check what language they require before studying. There are plenty of free courses on the internet to get you started. It is a future-proof career if you keep up-to-date with the industry developments because the demand for coders is never-ending. As computers will dominate the future, coding is your pathway to communicate with them. Being a coding literate is a future-proof skill and gives you an edge over others.  

Are you a computer geek? Then coding is a must learn for you.. Computers are here to stay and learning to code becomes vital and profitable in 2021.  

Data Skills  

Data is the new currency. Those who can organize data collection, interpret the results, and make decisions based on these findings will be in high demand. Consequently, data literacy will become necessary for all professions in the future. For instance, marketeers, farmers, doctors etc., will have to use data to make decisions. In conclusion, data skills are the must-have skills needed to remain relevant and employable in the future.  

Opportunities available in 2021 

  • Business analyst  
  • Data scientist    
  • Marketeer  

#2. Languages and Translation


Learning more than one language is a smart move. In addition to your native language, give a second language as a gift to your children. How many languages can you learn? Make your own decision. Powell Alexander Janulus (born 1939) is a Canadian polyglot who lives in White Rock, British Columbia, and entered the Guinness World Records in 1985 for fluency in 42 languages. He considers himself skilled in 64 languages and said that he studied at least 80 languages in total.   

Turn your dream of knowing another language into a future-proof skill as the world expands into a global village. Moreover, we are now interacting with more and more people in different languages. For beginners, there are texts in every single language that requires translation. For example, poems, novels, academic, research, historical documents and government policy require translation. However, you can employ an auto translator, but it still has its limitations and often miss the grammatical subtlety when translating word for word. Plenty of texts require human interpretation. Above all, now is the time to learn languages to insulate your economic future. 


We are now interacting with more and more people in different languages. As a result learning a famous foreign language comes handy. Whether you are bilingual, multilingual, or a polymath, try your hand at a translating gig. With the existing language gap worldwide, translation jobs will never go out of fashion. Technology helps in translation, but only to some extent. How do you go forward? 

Firstly, pick up a language and get fluent enough. Though it is necessary to do your homework and research to select a niche for yourself. Various types of translations like legal, medical, luxury, scientific, financial, literary, and much more are available as opportunities for translators.  

Secondly, a profession like a speech translator can take you to places and allow you to meet with interesting people. Moreover, it can also be a full time or freelance job and the rarer your home language is, the more in demand you will be.  

Thirdly,  teach your language online. Well-established platforms where people book virtual lessons with first language teachers are available online. Alternately, you can set up your own website and platform to teach online from your home.

Lastly, some may also offer their services to translate people’s blogs, newsletters or websites into your language. Another job you can do from home on your own time is content writing. These are future proof opportunities to secure your economic safety during 2021.  

#3. Content writing.

Great content, copywriting, and proofreading skills are high in demand. The current global pandemic has forced the world to work remotely and content writing has emerged king today. 

The written information is essential than before, and training manuals, self -help blogs, e-commerce websites, instruction booklets, and call center scripts are all in high demand as we opted to stay home and figure out our next step.  

English is an indispensable language in the world today. Furthermore, the bulk of human knowledge is stored and transferred in English. First language books get translated into English. Why? Because that is how you reach the most people who can afford to buy what you are selling. The new medium of transfer of information is the internet built by using English as the primary language. If you do not speak and read English, you cannot get quality information.  

Why not upskill yourself with some solid writing practice and push through to adopt some proofreading and editing skills while you are at home? Even I am doing the same thing, and it gives me an edge in my everyday life. So, future-proof your 2021 by developing your skills in languages, translation and writing for your financial stability in 2021 and beyond.  


#4.Digital Skills

Lead Generation Skills  

Every business requires leads in this COVID environment to survive and make profits.  Digital marketing experts can generate B2B leads for clients and this skill can earn you a lot cash. In addition, you can offer your clients Lead Magnets and Lead Nurturing services.  Skills in lead generation will require, you to be well-versed with market automation. 

I am sure you may have heard this cliché. “People fail but systems won’t”. Hence you will have to learn to automate systems for your clients to reduce their dependence on people and cut costs. Most importantly, I highly recommend doing your training with one of the top digital marketers and learn from them. Your investment will be as low as $197 or Rs.15,000 only, and in six months, you will get the grasp of these skills to enable you to be relevant in the year 2021.  


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Skills  

SEO is one of the highest in-demand skills. Check it out in Google Trends. Every business requires high traffic to generate leads for their business, as their websites are unoptimized for the search engines.  SEO experts can fix their problems and earn a living.  


Social Media Marketing  

Businesses today want to engage with their customers on Social Media.  Experts who can create a Social Media strategy for them are busy with such projects. Clients need a Social Media presence, and if you are highly skilled in this field you will find work in 2021 


#5.Video-Making and Editing.

Video -Making  

Consumers want videos today for everything as it is a highly interactive form of virtual interaction. Why? Because videos take minimal effort, less user contribution, and are readily consumable. Therefore, video-making is here to stay. Video bloggers on YouTube are proof enough that Video-Making is a high in demand skill today.   

Free video making and editing software has made easy to acquire the sought-after skills to master. Every brand is on a lookout for a professional video maker for its promotional strategies. Hence, the need for experts in video-making for 2021.


Video Editing Skills.  

Video editing skills are an absolute necessity in today’s YouTube world. Making and editing videos have become a must-have skill as the world has shifted online due to the pandemic.  

Video editors often work in cable news, broadcasting, film and television producing a wide range of works. Moreover, you can also be a freelancer and work from your home. Learn these skills and future proof yourself from the economic shocks of 2021.  

In conclusion,

High income skills are essential to weather the economic storm of the new decade. One must acquire new high paying skills to stay ahead of the game.

Once you master these skills by reskilling or upskilling and become multi-skilled, you may not have to worry about the economic impact of the COVID –19 or economy in general.

 Here are some more skills that will be in demand but did not make it to my top five skills for 2021

  • Web, App or Software Developer
  • UX/IU Designer
  • Product designer
  • Business Strategy and Consulting
  • Virtual Assistant 
  • Resume makeover and career guidance
  •  Voice-over services
  •  Accounting and Finance
  •  Cybersecurity
  •  HR & Recruitment
  • Consulting
  •  Artificial Intelligence
  •  Data science
  •  Business process & workflow automation
  •  Competitive analysis
  •  Market Research
  • Sales Consultant
  • Accountant 
  • Actuary
  • Senior Business Analyst.
  • IT security consultant 
  • Technical Support Engineer
  • Graphic Designer


To summarize, the key to remaining relevant in 2021 as we head into recession is…

Acquire the following skills in 2021 starting today.

  1. Coding and Data skills
  2. Language and Translation
  3. Content Writing
  4. Digital Skills like SEO and Lead generation.
  5. Video-Making and Editing skills


You will go on to make your personal economy resilient in comparision to the world economy. Now you can move beyond 2021 and into the future, confident of surviving economically, the turbulent times that lie ahead of us.  

Which skill do you think which I have omitted will be high in demand for 2021? 

Share your thoughts! 


The author and publisher of www.leroyferrao.com  and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing www.leroyferrao.com materials. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this www.leroyferrao.com. The information contained in www.leroyferrao.com is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in www.leroyferrao.com, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.