By Leroy Ferrao

Success is 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration – Thomas Eddison

The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself. Starting in 2021, I strongly encourage you to invest in 5 areas in your life. Daily and continuous learning is indispensable if you want to have complete control of your life. Most importantly, the goal is to become better and better at what you do and how you live your life. That calls for work on yourself to progress to your chosen destination.

#1. Improve Your Skills

One way you can invest in yourself is maximising your talent and sharpening your skills in 2021. Focus on improving your weaknesses. for example, if you are weak in sales, maybe you can read great books on sales and listen to audiobooks for a year. After you learn all the skills and techniques of sales and implement it in your profession, you will see the difference investing in yourself has made not only to your job or business but also to your life. 

Secondly, try investing 10% of your time and money on improving yourself. It calls for good time management skills. For instance, you could enrol in an online class in your area of interest that sets your focus on self-improvement strategies. A single audiobook or a book or an online course can double your income or your skills. Today, you can learn anything you want to learn from the comfort of your home.

#2. Invest In Your Personal Goals

You need to invest in your personal, health, financial, family, spiritual and professional goals. For example, you may have a dream of starting your own business. A Gantt chart which is a project management tool can help you achieve your goal. The point is to carve out time from your busy week, to work on your goal on a regular basis. It could be 30 minutes a day or 2 hours a day.

Furthermore, if you do not set your own goals you will be working for the goals of others. 97% of the people work for other people’s goals. I strongly recommend that you take control of your life by writing your goals down and keeping it at eye level by pasting it on your mirror or on your wall. In this way you can see it everyday and work out a plan to reach your goals. A person who doesn’t have goals is like a person aimlessly drifting in life without a destination. So write your goals  for 2021 and start working on them. Reap the rewards that comes from moving closer to your destination and make progress in your life.


#3. Invest In Your Creative Abilities.

If you want to make a lasting change in your life, then you need to step out of your comfort zone. Personal growth comes from pushing yourself and pushing your boundaries. There are lots of ways you can begin to harness your creativity and creative minds such as learning a musical instrument, a new language or an IT skill. You can also start interior designing your home to make it look presentable or even gardening.

#4. Invest In Your Personal Physical, Mental Health And Relationships.

Garbage in and Garbage out applies to every aspect of our life. Eat a healthy and balanced diet is no exception. Exercise a few times a week. If you can walk 30 minutes to 90 minutes a day, you can get 90% of all the exercise you need. I also recommend housework like cooking and cleaning to keep you active if you work from home.

Secondly, to keep yourself mentally fit  eat a lot of almonds and walnuts to provide nutrition to the brain. Just as your body needs exercise daily to perform at optimum levels, so your mind needs mental workouts to remain sharp and fit. Furthermore, I strongly recommend reading, writing and thinking to keep alert. Challenge your mind by doing crosswords and puzzles. Stay engaged with subjects that interest you. It will help you to build new neural pathways and will help you stay sharp.

Thirdly, networking has been the foundation of a healthy society since the dawn of time. But in today’s world, people are more and more focused on work and during COVID times have stayed away from building their social skills because of fear or, they consider it a distraction. Be sure you set aside time with your friends and families to exchange ideas and engage in healthy conversation. Not only are these relationships essential for your long term success in life, but these conversations will stimulate productivity and life satisfaction

#5. Invest In What You Know, Understand And Able To Do.

Most importantly, if it is in your mind, nobody can take it away from you. Whether you are going to be successful in investing in yourself depends on how much knowledge you are going to deploy it, to your use or application. It is that simple. Either you know how to deploy it in your life and then do it, or you lack the knowledge, and are left behind.


To invest in yourself means to spend the time and money and hit the opportunity when it presents itself.

A single idea or a single well-informed decision can change the rest of your life. The worse decision you can do is to not decide for all because that is when you lose by default.

Ensure you reach your full potential and work towards the life you always wanted today.


In conclusion,

Investing in yourself is a big decision you can make in your life that can transform your life for a brighter future even in this pandemic stricken world. Those who invested in their health are alive today, and those that invest in themselves will be able to handle any situation in the future that can threaten their existence. If you do not invest in your life and find it expensive, check how costly it is not to invest in yourself when you die of COVID or lose your job or business.

To put in a nutshell, the key to effectively investing in yourself is to

  • Become multi-skilled, and regularly upgrade yourself by acquiring new skills by devoting 10% of your time and money to investing in yourself. 
  • Develop personal goals and a plan to achieve it. A project management tool like the Gantt chart can be a great help if you are someone who is not able to finish what you start. 
  • It is wise to invest in your creative abilities, for example, learn to play a musical instrument or a new language. You can also try interior designing your home to unleash your creative side. 
  • Learn to Invest in your physical and mental health in these COVID times not only to remain fit and resilient to the situation created by a prolonged pandemic but future crisis.
  • Make time to Invest in relationships by devoting time to exchange ideas and build your social and networking skills.
  • Lastly, invest in knowledge and applied knowledge and take action to immediately implement the new skill or talent you acquire in your life to reap the returns. 


How will you invest in yourself today to become a better person tomorrow?
Comment below. Thanks


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