Lessons from the Ukraine war for the future.

By Leroy Ferrao- Founder of Leroy Ferrao School & Master Digital Coach


The war in Ukraine is a game changer of the 21st century. It all started with the global pandemic in December 2019. It was a turning point in the history of humanity. For the first time, we heard about lockdowns. The virus not only killed people but also led to untold misery for the human race. Even though the pandemic is far from over, we have been struck by another even more severe man-made disaster. Let us get straight to the point. How do we cope with the current crisis and navigate its after-effects? Here are five ways to implement it ASAP.

#1.Downsize your standard of living in a turmoil-hit world.

The better your level of living, the more difficult it becomes to take advantage of future life-saving chances. Those who had a low standard of life were more easily able to depart Ukraine than those who had a high standard of living. If someone had a job and lived in a rented property, for example, he may quit his work and flee for his life. When you compare it to someone who has a lovely home and business in Ukraine, it’s difficult to abandon everything you’ve worked for over the years and flee. Those who remain in Ukraine are simply aware of their predicament and face the prospect of losing everything. The lesson is to keep things simple and improve your knowledge and talents, because they will never leave you and no one can take them away from you.

#2.When it comes to tangible assets, the more you have, the more you lose.

The wealthiest were the hardest hurt, with stock prices plummeting and nations facing sanctions, which have a knock-on effect. Some billionaires had their assets frozen by the governments on both sides of the conflict. The rest have lost their belongings in the fighting, and the sanctions have had an impact on bank cash reserves. Furthermore, cash depreciates. People are investing in crypto currencies these days, but while they are safer than paper currencies, they are volatile and risky because governments can ban them at any time. The lesson for us is to build digital assets such as websites, domains, and digital platforms and to preserve data in the cloud. For this to happen, you will have to upgrade your digital skills and invest in technology and yourself.

#3.Have a Go-Bag on hand in case you need to flee.

Put everything in airtight plastic bags and set it in one or two easy-to-carry containers, such as plastic bins or duffel bags, to put together your emergency supplies pack. An emergency supply kit should include a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, as well as a NOAA weather radio with a Weather Tone alarm. Masks (for children aged 2 and up), soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes are also advised for cleaning surfaces. Google will provide you with additional information. We should learn from this. Today, rather than when calamity occurs, keep one Go-Bag for each family member.

#4.Start working online and build your digital skills.  

Working online allows you to relocate quickly in the event of an emergency in a particular area. I’ve been recommending it since the pandemic broke out all over the world. It has even become critical that we move our jobs or even our businesses online so that they may continue to operate even if there is violence or future pandemics are expected. Only online businesses will be able to withstand the Ukraine conflict and operate from anywhere on the planet. Even as refugees, people can evacuate Ukraine and continue their online work if they have a laptop and an internet connection. The lesson is to quickly go online, and it is past time to stop investing in brick and mortar businesses and paying excessive rents, as was done in the old economy.

#5. You should stay in your own nation. Now, no country on the planet is safe.

Traveling to foreign countries was not advised even after the outbreak. Students from India who travelled to Ukraine are now in unspeakable danger. They’ve squandered their money, time, and careers. A few people have died as a result of this. The best advice I can provide is to learn online. There are several reasons why it is affordable, current, and adaptable. Internships are always a good way to gain experience, but in today’s changing world, this is the best and cheapest option for students, and you can study at some of the greatest educational institutions in the world. One of the most important lessons is to learn online and study in your own country. Even if your own country is facing a two-front war, this will give you a significant advantage. However, stay away from the enemy’s borders and keep your passport up to date if you want to leave the country, as many people did in Ukraine, and travel to neighbouring nations.

In conclusion,

The time has come to prepare ourselves to navigate a dangerous world safely, and the big 5 lessons from the Ukraine war will keep us ahead when another similar situation strikes us. Take action today. You may not have the time tomorrow.



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